Technology has always interested me, and I have done many things from just owning a phone and using it every day to even building my own computer. This will detail some of my favorite things to do with technology.
A few months ago, I had the opportunity to build my own computer. Computers were always something that I had taken for granted, and I never really questioned how they worked, or even where they came from. I just used them. However, I have been learning more about computers, and finally got to build my own. I learned about the inner workings of computers, and all the different components. It was extremely fun, but also not exactly how I expected. I learned about the inner workings of computers, and all the different components.
Phones are a necessary part of our lives in this day and age, and especially in a city like Seoul. We use them to do many things, such as communicate, browse the web, and play games. These are all reasons why I like phones so much. It gives so much power and things to do in such a small thing like a phone.
Unlike building computers, where you work with the hardware in the computer, when you use a computer, you are interacting with the software, like the operating system, and the various different applications. I really like to go on the internet to do things like watch videos, and I also like to play video games on my computer. This is so fun because there is so much more to do on a computer compared to a phone, and it is also much more powerful.